Recreating the 2021 Eurovision logo using CSS

December 5, 2020

Uh oh. Déjà vu. Am I seeing double? Isn’t there a post with the exact same title a little further down? Well, almost! I indeed wrote a post titled “Recreating the 2020 Eurovision logo using CSS” a few months ago which was about, well, recreating the 2020 Eurovision logo with CSS. Following the cancellation of the contest and the rescheduling of an ESC in Rotterdam, the team decided to rework the logo a little bit. Which means of course that I had to take care of that one as well.

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Making Lys, a Eurovision-flavored Twitter bot

September 29, 2020

In October 2019 I launched Lys, a simple Twitter bot made to remind its followers of any Eurovision selection show taking place anywhere in Europe on a daily basis. I’ll give it to you, it really isn’t anything groundbreaking, but there’s more to it than just a script that runs twice a day, so I figured I’d take the time to explain how it all actually works.

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Recreating the 2020 Eurovision logo using CSS

April 13, 2020

(Yes, I’m sneakily backdating this article as it’s not exactly new, although rewritten especially for this new lil cosy blog)

The visual theme is what makes each Eurovision different and I’m always super curious to see what the next creative team is going to come up with. I was at first unsure about the 2020 (and as we now know, 2021) logo, but it quickly grew on me and that’s most likely because of what it represents. See, it’s not just a logo, it’s data. And if there’s one thing I like more than design, it’s a beautifully crafted data vizualization.

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